Baptist Church
Pastor (牧師)

同時期に、牧師徒弟としてRev. Perry Wright Jr師. Rev. Sterling Wright師のもとでトレーニングを受ける。ルイジアナ大学神学部入学。
2015年11月Promised land Baptist ChurchとBeachum Grove Baptist Churchより牧師としての按手を受ける。同大学神学部卒業。
音楽家としては南部のルーツ音楽にこだわった独自の音楽性は日本国内、アメリカでも定評があり、過去に4枚のアルバムを発表他、Sounds of Blacknessのアルバムにも参加。Lighthouse singers, Lee Williams, Gospel Four, Zion Harmonizersといったステラ賞・グラミー賞アーティスト、ゴスペルカルテットの大御所とも交流が深い。
Rev. Taisuke Usui
He was born in Niigata-city ,Japan in 1973. When he visited Memorial Baptist Church in New York,Harlem, He was shocked their choir sounds and it moved him with his tears.
In 2003 He moved to New Orleans and worked as musician of French Quarter and churches, and be saved.
After, he came back to Japan, he started his music ministry as director of Gospel Choir and delivered the Word with music.
God gave him the mind to study the Word in USA and he moved back to Baton Rouge area in Louisiana with his family in 2013. He started to work as music minister and started to be trained to be a preacher at the church. At the same time, he entered the Caskey divinity of Louisiana college.
In November,18,2015,Taisuke received ordination at Promised Land Baptst Church and beachum Grove Baptist Church. In December 14th, he graduated the Caskey divinity of Louisiana college.one bible verse had been catching him :"Go home to your friends, and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you, and how He has had compassion on you" (Mark5:18)
He moved back to Japan after three days of his graduation and opened Lighthouse Baptist Church at his hometown in January