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Baptist Church
Come unto Jesus
Come unto Jesus
while you have time
Come unto Jesus,
make up your mind
He will make your life brand new,
Oh He will take care of you
Come to Jesus while you have time
Just knowing Jesus
sure has paid off in your life
Come to Jesus while you have time
Though you may not have a friend
He'll go with you 'til the end
Come to Jesus while you have time
28. すべて疲れた人、重荷を負っている人は、私のところに来なさい。わたしがあなたがたを休ませてあげます。
29. わたしは心優しく、へりくだっているから、あなたがたもわたしのくびきを負って、わたしから学びなさい。そうすればたましいに安らぎがきます。
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